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Monday, November 21, 2011

Happy Thanksgiving!!

I want to wish you all a wonderful Thanksgiving Time with you and your family.  No matter what any of us have gone thru, there is always something to be thankful for.  Think about it and even make a list and you will see all the wonderful blessings God has given to you. The fact that you are breathing is a blessing.  You are loved and thought of from God's own heart.  Happy Thanksgiving!

Thursday, September 15, 2011

FALL TIME IS A SPECIAL TIME! When only the color orange will do. The leaves are colored and flying in the dancing wind. Everyone has to buy their pumpkins and we all crave pumpkin spice lattes, yeah. Enjoy every minute of it!

Saturday, August 27, 2011

Violets Please

A sweet reminder that you are growing and changing for the good, maturing and blooming with wisdom.  Check out my

Monday, July 25, 2011

Large Pendants with a message

You see the pic of the canary being fed out of his owner's cereal bowl? You see God can feed us in different ways. He will go outside of the box. We expect it to happen a specific way. God is more creative than that.

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Antique Looking Soldered Charms

Something about it, I love the look. Behind the front messages, are a page of an Italian Bible, which makes it more unique. I love Italy and all the ancient architecture. Knowing that is where Jesus went to and even Paul, makes it very special to me.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Some Fun Glass Charms

 A Butterfly wing pic with a few dots of fine glitter.
 Get off the Couch!!   and You can Do it!!

Encourage yourself and just "Sparkle"!

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

PS 91 for Army Mom's and Wives

I remember when my son in law Justin was in Iraq, even twice deployed. I hated it, but at the same time, felt helpless, until we realized we could hang on to God's word and really even find a very special Psalm which was Ps 91. It got us through. And at nite when we would take a walk, around the block and look at the moon, we would pray and know, he was looking at the same moon, if even a different time. No matter, it brought us closer. Prayer is powerful and it brought us closer to him.

Monday, April 25, 2011

Butterfly Fly!

This butterfly was much too pretty to stay cooped up!
Fun to recycle and reuse.  A tiny dragonfly out of brass is tagging along on a chain. Life must be enjoyed, for sure...

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Spring is Sprung

 So refreshing to see the buds peaking out and the fragrant smells of herbs coming forth.  A blessing to have seasons which always bring good things.

I remember my good friend Sheri years ago, giving me a miniature yellow rosebush with tons of tiny yellow buds. I planted it and it lasted for many years and gave many a sweet bouquet. She told me that the color yellow, stood for friendship. And our friendship has continued on and on...

Monday, March 21, 2011

For Our Army Wives

If You can come up with some cool one word titles, that would inspire you, let me know. I know Ps. 91 is tops on the list...

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Thoughts of You

I cut a page out of the bible, and this is it. From Ps. 139. It speaks of how much you are loved. Precious are the thoughts of God unto you. If you could count them, they are more in number than the grains of sand.  Would we dare believe this?

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Purple Delfinium Flowers

Nothing like Spring flowers in a garden to cheer you. A Quote from W. Carlos Williams: "It is at the edge of a petal that love waits".

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Shalom is Peace

 The Hebrew Language is fascinating. Probably because the whole Old Testament was written in Hebrew. This background pic is from a wonderful Japanese Maple tree we had in our front garden.

The back of this charm is in french, from a piece of an old bible, using the old testament.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Spring is Coming

Spring is in the air... or at least in the mind. Oh to have a garden with
flowers of all kinds, herbs, perennials, vegies, and the wonderous smells of it all. From the soil and the feel of it, to breaking off a piece of lavender or catnip and inhaling a good sniff. I even love the silly little bumblebees, but the not those aweful tomatoe hornworms.
These are little charm reminders of the memories of your garden of either what you've had or want to have in the future. We all love flowers...

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Every Charm has a message

I had a few pics from diff countries where the women are used to carrying heavy loads. We in the US have no idea. We carry a laundry basket downstairs and we're out of breath!
Imagine carrying buckets of water every single day. Felt it was fitting to put this scripture with this pic. Sometimes emotionally, we are carrying such unnecessary baggage, that really, we were not made to carry. We were made to cast our cares on the one who cares, and can carry the load, who already has carried every load we will ever have! Jesus...

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Hearts of Love/Napkin Holder

A Red kitchen is so inspiring. Guess what color mine is? Red of course!

If you add hearts, voila! Instant passion...

Wednesday, February 9, 2011


You have a purpose. Your life means something.  Make each day count. When you wake up in the morning, know you are loved,  go and enjoy your day and see the good in each day.  Just as there is bad and negative in this world, there is good. Don't miss the little miracles that God does each day. Be thankful...

Thursday, February 3, 2011


 Buddies, Best friends, amigos...  A good reminder to us that we need each other. It's not good to be alone. Remember your friends and value them highly...

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Valentines Day BirdCage of Love

 You can do so many things with charms, espec when you find unique ways to display. Just be sure that your charms can hang well.  Putting this one on shortly.  You can actually use this birdcage anyway you like. Has a bottom that slides out. Be creative with your creations!